Junior Year: A Highlight Reel

Junior year is over, and I guess I'll talk about it while I'm here. As you might have read in my annual birthday post, this past year was quite the rollercoaster. In some ways, it was my best two semesters at USC so far, in others, it was hands down the worst. Yet since I'm desperately … Continue reading Junior Year: A Highlight Reel

Big Girls Do Cry: On Why It’s Okay to Be Vulnerable

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?" Standard interview question, isn't it? And sure enough, you can probably gather some strengths, but with the weaknesses, it gets a little more tricky. You have to be careful not to give yourself a backhanded compliment ("I'm such a perfectionist" *giggles*) and point out an actual area of improvement, … Continue reading Big Girls Do Cry: On Why It’s Okay to Be Vulnerable